
Schedule 'V' and schedule 'W' || Pharmaeasynotes ||@Pharmacy || Jurispru...

Schedule 'V' Standards for patent or proprietary medicines. These standards for patent or proprietary medicines shall be those laid down in Schedule V and such medicines shall also comply with the standards laid down in the Second Schedule to the Act. Schedule 'W' List of drugs marketed under generic names. Its label contains the Names and quantities of active ingredients. If vitamins are present, the following words must be written "For therapeutic use" "For prophylactic use" "For pediatric use " and age of child /infant. 

B. Pharm syllabus || According to PCI || BP 102T||BP 108 P ||Frist semester

BP102T. PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSIS (Theory)  45 Hours Scope:  This course deals with the fundamentals of analytical chemistry and principles of electrochemical analysis of drugs  Objectives:  Upon completion of the course, a student shall be able to   understand the principles of volumetric and electrochemical analysis   carryout various volumetric and electrochemical titrations   develop analytical skills  Course Content:   UNIT-I                                                                                       10 Hours  (a) Pharmaceutical analysis - Definition and scope  i) Different techniques of analysis  Ii) Methods of expressing concentration iii) Primary and secondary standards.  iv) Preparation and standardization of various molar and normal solutions- Oxalic acid, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, sodium thiosulphate, sulphuric acid, potassium permanganate and ceric ammonium sulfate.  (b)Errors:  Sources of errors, types of errors, methods of minimizing errors, accuracy

Schedule R, R-1 and schedule S||Pharmaeasynotes ||@Pharmacy || Jurisprud...

Schedule 'T' Requirements (GMP) of factory premises for Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani drugs.  For getting a certificate of 'Good Manufacturing Practices' of Ayurveda Siddha- Unani drugs,   the applicant shall make an application on plain paper,  providing the information on the existing infrastructure  of the manufacturing unit, and the licensing authority shall after verification of the requirements  as per Schedule T issue the certificate within  a period of 3 months in form 26-E Schedule 'U' Manufacturing, raw materials, and analytical record of drugs  Lot of the raw materials used for the manufacturing of products and also each batch of the final product and shall maintain records.  The records or registers shall be retained for a period of 5 years from the date of manufacturing.  Schedule 'U(1)' Manufacturing, raw materials, and analytical records of cosmetics The licensee shall keep records of the details of each batch of cosmetics manufactured by him a

Schedule R, R-1 and schedule S||Pharmaeasynotes ||@Pharmacy || Jurisprud...

Schedule 'R' Standards for mechanical contraceptives. The storage conditions necessary for preserving the properties of the contraceptives. Label contain:- The date of manufacture  The date up to which the contraceptive is expected to retain its properties. Schedule 'R-1' Standards for Medical Devices The standards for the Medical Devices shall be laid down from time to time by the Bureau of Indian Standards Schedule 'S' Standards for cosmetics in finished form Shall conform to the Indian standards specifications laid down from time to time by the 3[Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)]. 

Schedule P and schedule Q ||Pharmaeasynotes||@Pharmacy ||jurisprudence

Schedule P Life period of drugs Period in months (unless otherwise specified) between date of manufacture and date of expiry which the labeled potency period of the drug shall not exceed under the conditions of storage specified. Schedule 'P-1' PACKING OF DRUGS The pack sizes of drugs meant for retail sale shall be as prescribed. Eg. The pack sizes for liquid Oral preparations shall be 30ml (pediatric only)  Schedule 'Q' Part I List of dyes, colors, and pigments permitted in cosmetics and soaps.  Part II List of colours permitted in soaps. No Cosmetic and soaps shall contain Dyes, colours, and Pigments other than those specified by the Bureau of Indian Standards.

B. Pharm || Frist semester || Syllabus || According to PCI ||Pharm...

BP101T. HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY -I                                                                                                                   (Theory) 45 Hours   Scope :  This subject is designed to impart fundamental knowledge on the structure and functions of the various systems of the human body. It also helps in understanding both homeostatic mechanisms. The subject provides the basic knowledge required to understand the various disciplines of pharmacy.  Objectives:   Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to  1. Explain the gross morphology, structure, and functions of various organs of the human body. 2. Describe the various homeostatic mechanisms and their imbalances.  3. Identify the various tissues and organs of different systems of the human body. 4. Perform the various experiments related to special senses and the nervous system.  5. Appreciate coordinated working pattern of different organs of each system                                     

Schedule N and Schedule O ||Pharmaeasynotes || @Pharmacy||Jurisprudence

Schedule N List of minimum equipment for the efficient running of a pharmacy The entrance shall bear an inscription 'Pharmacy' in front. Premises shall be separated from rooms for private use and it should be well built, dry, well lit and ventilated and of sufficient dimension to keep the goods separately.   Schedule O The standard for disinfectant fluids The disinfectants shall be classified as follows-   (A) Black fluids-  Homogeneous dark brown solution of coal tar acid or similar acids with or without hydrocarbons, and/or other phenolic compounds, and their derivatives. (B) White fluids - Finely dispersed homogeneous emulsion of coal tar acid or similar acids with or without hydrocarbons, and /or other phenolic compounds, and their derivatives.