Classification of General Anaesthetics ||PharmaEasyNotes || @Pharmacy

General anaesthetic

The general anesthetic is classified into three types based on the method of administration.

i) Inhalation Anaesthetics
Inhalation anesthetics could be either volatile, liquids, or gases, and they are administered through process eg. Ether, Ethyl chloride, Cyclopropane, Halothane, Nitrous oxide.

ii) Intravenous Anaesthetics
Intravenous Anesthetics cause unconsciousness when administered parenterally.
eg. Thiopental Sodium, Ketamine Hydrochloride, Methohexital Sodium.
iii) Basal Anaesthetics
Basal Anaesthetics are agents induce the state of unconsciousness but the depth of unconsciousness not enough for surgical procedure.
They are often used to induce basal anaesthesia before the administration of inhalation anaesthetics.
eg. Fentanyl Citrate, Paraldehyde, Tribromo ethanol.

II) Classification-II
The general anesthetics are also classified according to their nature at room temperature.

i) Volatile inhalation general anesthetics
(a) Gases - Cyclopropane, Ethyl chloride, Nitrous oxide.
(b) Liquids - Diethyl ether, Halothane, Chloroform, Trichloroethane.

ii) Non-volatile general anaesthetics
(a) Barbiturates- Thiopental Sodium, Methohexital Sodium
(b) Non-Barbiturates- Propanidid, Propofol, Ketamine Hydrochloride.


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