Introduction - Statistics, Biostatistics, Requency distribution ||Pharma...
What is Statistics? Statistics is a scientific study of Numerical data based on natural Phenomena. It is also the science of collecting, organizing, interpreting, and reporting data. Content What is Statistics? Statistics and its application What is Biostatistics? Application and Use 1. The Physiology and anatomy 2. In Pharmacology 3. Medicine 4. In genetics Scope of biostatistics What is frequency distribution? Types of frequency distribution 1. Relative frequency distribution 2. Cumulative frequency distribution Cumulative relative frequency distribution Formula Graphic presentations of frequency distribution 1. Histograms 2. Polygons 3. Cumulative frequency distribution Advantages and limitations of frequency distribution Conclusion Statistics and its application Public health, including epidemiology, health services research, nutrition, environmental health. Design and analysis of clinical trials in medicine Demographic studies: age, gender, height, weight, BMI Design and ana