Drug Metabolism || Medicinal Chemistry ||PharmaEasyNotes ||Phase I - II ...
All the chemical substances that are not nutrients, which enter the body through i ngestion i nhalation or a bsorption is called xenobiotics or exogenous compounds. Drugs are also xenobiotics under their lipophilicity. Water-soluble agents undergo renal excretion whereas lipid-soluble substances are passively reabsorbed from the renal tubule into the blood after glomerular filtration. This enzymatic biotransformation is known as drug metabolism. " Drug biotransformation is thus a detoxification process. a) Sites of Bio-transformation The Principle site of drug metabolism is not only the liver but also the kidney, lungs , and GI tract are also important sites. When a drug is taken orally, it is usually absorbed through a mucous membrane of the small intestine or from the stomach. Once out of GI tract it is carried by the bloodstream to the liver, where it is usually first metabolized. Metabol...